So, it has been an age since I last sorry. I have been so very busy. Life has somewhat taken over.
Firstly, my body seems to be taking a very long time to adjust to the meds this time. I am continuously matter how much I sleep, I am tired. My head is usually hurting most days and all I want to do is sleep. But I am battling on with it.
Secondly, obviously my PhD is taking over. It is less than a month until I submit the project that I have been working on for the best part of 4 years. I am busily compiling the whole document. My boss has just received the my amended discussion chapter and conclusions...and I am nearly there. So tired, but nearly there.
Thirdly, I have realised I still have not done the Taize write up for this year - I will, probably at the weekend. But some of what happened at Taize has shaped these last few months.
All in all, life has dealt me some blows in the last few months, but it has also provided me times of great joy and laughter. It is all very confusing, but God must be working there, somewhere