Thursday, July 21, 2011

So yesterday the funeral was an emotionally charged, moving, touching and beautiful ceremony. Tears, laughter, applause, emotion, peace. Bishop Michael - I have met him in Taize every year I have gone...and after last year he sent me a card calling me an Honarary East Anglian...and that I was yesterday seeing my Taize EA friends, and celebrating the Bishop's life with them. They have become amazing friends, and as one said - they are like my second home, and I am made to feel so welcomed by them.

It was a lovely service with reports saying between 1700-2000 in the cathedral, music was stunning (traditional hymns, Taize chants, a childrens choir), Frere Emile came over from the Taize community to do a reading, and a 'strictly not allowed eulogy' that has us laughing and crying.

I said to somebody after...I am going to have to think wisely before befriending a Bishop again...but you could not help to like +Michael. He was so friendly, so understanding - he warmed to you, let you talk to him about anything, and he listened, encouraged and the prayer and hug he gave me last year until I stopped crying still gives me shivers.

So, on Saturday when EA and I get on the coach to the Hill, it will be sad that he will not be present with us in person (this is when it will really hit), but he certainly will be with us in spirit...and we will almost certainly do something to remember his life in the place he called his spiritual home.

I would like to thank the lovely Licy and her family for putting me up, and collecting me from the station and taking me out for a delicious meal, and my wonderful EA friends, for their hugs, kind words and is to a wonderful week on the Hill

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Cried all through church today, and at the end, my priest who knew why just said "He is at peace now, in the best place for him" Very true. The tears just came. This is on top of a hard few weeks really, and so it just got a bit too much.
I am going to Norwich for the funeral, staying with a Taize EA friend of mine for the night.
I have a Taize service tonight - it will be a toughie I think...

On the positive, I am house sitting at the moment which is good...looking after cats and hens

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

May he now rest in peace

Requiem aeternam donna eis Domine: et lux perpetua luceat eis

He was a wonderful man, adopted me into the East Anglian Diocesan Taize group for 3 years, and last year spent a lot of time with me in church and prayed for me, and let me experience prayer that I have not experienced before. For that Bishop Michael, I am forever grateful. May the light that you gave so many continue to shine. All of those young people you have helped and guided over many years - we will not forget you. May you now be pain free and smiling down on us, urging us to continue in faith...and although many of us are in tears right now - may we remember that you only wanted to see more smile.


Saturday, July 09, 2011

so you have a bit of a tiff with someone one week, and the next week they have found somebody else to make their next victim...wonderful. why the hell do I bother?

in other news also received yesterday, Bishop Michael, I was told is gravely ill in hospital. pray for him, the diocese of East Anglia and all those who have been inspired by this amazing man. I have been. Taize this year without him will be incredibly sad.

Bad news comes in threes right? I am waiting for the last installment to slap me around the face and hit me when I am low to really tip me over the edge. that may come tomorrow at a family Christening, where it will become clear that I am the ugliest person in my whole family as I am the only grandchild not married or currently in a relationship. I cannot wait for the questionning that I am going to get about this. I may as well start drinking now!

in other news, 6 phd interviews done recently with permanent A&E staff who work alongside temp may soon have something to write about....*may*