For a while now I have been feeling very down, and I haven’t had the chance to think why, what with hen-nights, dress fittings, weddings and debriefs. But this last week, I have had plenty an opportunity to think, and some of this has been very destructive, but why I feel like I do at the moment has become a lot clearer.
Before I went to Lesotho, the thing that I was praying about the most was that I hoped that my depression would not return, but unfortunately it did. I felt myself rejoining the downward slope that I had battled so hard to climb up, and I was so gutted. Now in Lesotho I had my good times and I had great times, but there were also very low times too, and it was so hard, as I felt like I had no-one to turn to, and I felt very alone. As you all know, a member of my team was sent home. Now this was not my decision, it was a joint decision by Tearfund and Scripture Union. But some of my team thought that it was me, and this was because of my role as team leader. The individual was being rude, laughing at the nationals when they were telling him that he was being culturally insensitive, and undermining me and insulting me wherever and whenever possible. This was so upsetting, and took away all my confidence. Now being team leader I was the key person for communication between the team and Scripture Union partners and Tearfund. So I had weekly meetings so I could be told where we were going right and wrong, occasions where we could be told off as a team, and many times when I felt like I had to apologize for the team actions, or an individuals actions. I was the person who had to pass on the information, and this constant responsibility of apologizing for things that weren’t my fault really did take its toll on me, and was taking so much away from my experience. Tearfund were worried about me and ringing me up so that I could have over the phone counseling, and just to tell me that they had a lot of faith in me (as I had thoughts about leaving myself). So the team thought that it was me sending the member home, and I got a lot of their anger, was being told that I was a failure, and that it was all my fault, and that if I had been a better team leader then this would not have happened. I do feel like a huge fat failure, I feel like I have failed the team, the member that was sent home, Scripture Union and Tearfund. I feel so guilty that I have failed all these people and this really does begin to hurt.
Some people have also been doubting the work and the success of the work that I did out there. Our work, we were told, despite having all the problems in the team was the best that a team has done out there. Our schools and committees excelled out there, from in most cases having no Scripture Union, to having two meetings a week, and from not reading the Bible, to be actively involved in choosing what Bible passages to study, and from being scared to pray, to praying out loud and with confidence. But people have just been saying that its only because I am white that these students wanted to impress us, and that it wont be continuing now. This really hurts. Does that really matter – the fact is, that these students in those 4 months were introduced to the works of God, and everything that He did for us, and the things that He still can do for us if we put all our trust in Him…now surely that’s the most important thing? These students knew that no matter what was going on in their private lives, we would come and see them two times a week, to encourage them, and pray with them, and be their friends. The fact that we had the chance to just sit and chat and pray with them is good enough for me, but the fact that my students who were too scared to talk to some other students before we came, but by the time we were leaving were running Scripture Union groups, dramatizing Bible verses, and praying with their friends was the important thing. And I really believe and pray that they will continue this. God was really working through us in the schools, and He would want this work to continue.
But the work that we did on the orphanages too…I really do believe that giving a kid 5 minutes of undivided attention is just something so special. The children there would not normally have had that, but we had time for them, we played with them, we drew with them, we pretended to be silly animals with them, we cuddled them, and we loved them. This is so much more that they previously had, and so for somebody to say that this was not worthwhile and that I didn’t make a difference hurts…especially when I still have little Jozefa in my head. He was 4, his mum is in a mental hospital, and I think his dad abandoned him because he had AIDS. He also has TB as his immune system is too weak, and when Save the Children could afford it he had steroids pumped into him. I love this child. Whenever I felt low I just thought of him, and his smile, and the way that he is living his life without even knowing that he is ill and the hard times that he has ahead. Jozefa kept me going, and on the last day he would not let me go. On having to leave all I heard from him was “No Nthabiseng, no. No go”. If somebody tells me that I could not have done anything worthwhile, I just think of Jozefa and the fact that I loved that child and he knew that somebody loved him.
But I was also scared about the relationships with you guys from home, and how much they have changed. I have met up with a lot of you already, but there are some people who I have contacted via various means, but have not heard anything from – people who I thought were close friends, and I can only think that I have hurt them in some way, or done something to upset them, and I am wracking my brain to think what. I know my contact in the months I was away was poor, but there was little means, and little time. I am scared that some people think that I didn’t miss them when I was away which is so wrong, as my bed was surrounded by pictures of friends and family to cheer me up when I was down, and the emails and texts that I could get when I was in South Africa and had signal had really encouraging, if undeserved messages in them, and it made my week/month to hear from you all, like you would not believe. I hope that people will still accept me, with faults and all. I am scared as I have missed a lot of peoples changes in the last four months that they will not like me, or I will be forgotten and this fear upsets me and plays on my mind.
Sorry this is such a long entry. I just had so much on my chest, that it was slowly driving me crazy, and these are just a few of the things that are getting me down, not to think of culture shocks, and uni plans…….
I am PhD Student...I like gin. I am getting over a tough few years, and I talk about Taize a lot.
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Saturday, August 13, 2005
Right - I know Peter and Dav are sideways, but there is a picture of the happy couple, and they really and truly do look lovely (dont know how to rotate!)

Me, Harriet and Alex proudly displaying our bouquets at the reception
Harriet, me and Alex waiting for Peter and Davina to come out of the church
Am feeling very crap at the moment, but strangely am not in the mood to write about it, as there are so many things making me feel down.
Right - I know Peter and Dav are sideways, but there is a picture of the happy couple, and they really and truly do look lovely (dont know how to rotate!)

Harriet, me and Alex waiting for Peter and Davina to come out of the church
Am feeling very crap at the moment, but strangely am not in the mood to write about it, as there are so many things making me feel down.
Friday, August 12, 2005
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
The wedding of Peter and Davina Bajorek
Staurday 6th August 2005, saw my second wedding in eight days. This wedding was that of my brother Peter, and his fiance Davina (Dav). We went up on the friday as its a long drive up to the small yorkshire dale village of Muker where Davina grew up, and where the marriage was going to take place in the local parish church. Peter wanted the marriage to be recognised by the Catholic church, and so had done all the necessities for that already. On the Friday they had the practice run...and then we had a whole fanily get together - it was so nice - my mums sisters, husbands and children all came up too, and we had an evening together.
On saturday morning Peter was so relaxed it was really good to see. We had our breakfast in a B&B, and then we went for a walk in the Dales, with Peter stopping every few minutes wth flahes of inspiration as to what to say in his speech. We had to cut the walk short, as my mum and I had to make our way to Davinas as I had to have my hair done, and so bridesmaid things, and my mum had to help sort out the cake that we had brought from London with us. When I arrived Davina was also very calm....seriously in the last 8 days I have not witnessed any of the wedding day jitters I hear so many people talk about. We gace Davina her presents - consisiting of champagne, chocolates, strawberries, cream, flip-flo[s, sarrong and pamper productsand then we had a champagne toast and the the hairdresser started on our hair. It was quite Pride and Prejudice styled - it was curled, and then pinned to the sides, and then had some flowers put into it - all us bridesmaids looked the same.
Now Muker only has about 30 houses in it, and Davina lives next door to the church, and so we were watching all the guests arrived, and then I got a glimpse of Peter walking into the church - and I wa proud to be called his sister - he look so good and smart. We then put on our dresses, and helped davina with hers - she looked truly stunning, and then had our photos.
The church service was just brought a tear to my eye. I could not believe that that was my brother getting married, I had this really strange feeling in my stomach. They had the tradiational 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 reading (at least I will have a happy memory for this reading now - I usually assosciate it with my babcias funeral, as that is what was read then), and they also had a traditional blessing read whoch made me teary a bit - as it was just beautiful. The vows were said, and that was it they were married.
Then there was the reception. This was done in the village hall just next door to the church. All the guests mingled outside (this is where Harriet, Alex and I played a role as bridesmaids in the mingling), while some photos were taken, and bubbly was handed out, then we had the line-up, and then the reception. Andrew (my oldest brother and Best-Man) did an amazing job in welcoming them in, and looking after them. After every course I did my mingling, making sure people were happy and ok and so forth...and everytime i went to a different table, people kept n offereing me a drink - at one point I had five drinks scattered around the room. the second time I mingled I made sure i had a drink in hand so that didnt happen anymore!
The speeches came next. Mr Hepworth did a very good speech, and I think my brother was happy with what was said. Then came Peters speech - i was so proud of him. peter is usually so shy, and i was so worried with how his speech woucome out, but it was great. Basically, he ran on the theme that people had said he had made a good choice with davina, but to him it was not a choice, but it was something that was just natural to the both of them, and that he never thought that he could be so in love with someone - seriosly made me blubber - and his speech finished with a toast to the bridesmaids (of which a lot of people had mentioned how they had heard a lot of singing coming from that side of the church...guess who that was?!) Andrews speech as Best Man was also soooooo good. It was just so Andrew and Peter, and mentioned family things like the Babcia test (the test that any partner of a grand-child has to go through) - and this really got me, as at this point we were reminded to think of her and my grandad as she was not able to make it to the wedding - this raelly got me, and I blubbered big time. A big toast to the happy couple was made, and more mingling ensued, but this time I was getting hugged due to the tears, by friends of Peter and Davina, and family.
We then had a barn-dance - now all who were at James and Ella's wedding will know how much i enjoyed myself there, so this week was no different, but dancing in my bridesmaid dress was much harder, the drapes at the back kept on getting caught, but it was great fun, and I kept on losing my shoes, as in the times when we had to make baskets, this week I was lifted from the floor, and then I had one very bouncy partner who insisted on twirling me around at the end of every dance - shoes flying in all directions - co-incidently - if i had money for every time I had, Zosia you look beautiful, or Zosia you look stunning, if only i didnt have a girlfriend - i would be one very rich lady.
After the barn dance was the disco - to which when the invites were sent out all guests were told to reply with two disco tunes to get ultinate dancibility! It was the bridesmaid jobs to get more then 5 people on the dance floor, which was fine, as we made up three of the five, and the ushers (Guy and Stef - Peters friends from school and uni) made up the other two. Now i had rashly made a bet with davinas friend Ed that I would beat him as what is known in the Dales as Bastard dancing, and so some amazing dance floor treats were seen. And i was level pegging with Ed, until Alex (davinas sister) and I found the steps to the stage, and I was all round victor. Peter and Davina left at 12, and on their way into the cab, Davina through her bouquet, and somehow - i really dont remember how - its all a blur and happened so quickly, it ended up in my hands! the disco continued without them, and Alex and I were on stage surrounded by the male freinds of Davina and peter when the full monty track played (oh we were very embarressed when reminded about this on sunday morning), and soon the end of the night came, and back to the B&B we went.
So i now have one married brother - it is very strange. Very strange. But he is so happy, and so is Davina, and that is just what is so important. I really pray that they stay this happy together, and that God is with them through the highs and the lows
And for me, 2 weddings attended, 2 bouquets caught - 1 major problem with the getting married part - the story of my life really isnt it.....
oh - and the vicar got my brothers name very wrong during the service - it was so funny even though "I have been practising it all week"...davina didnt mind, as she said that it made her attempt sound better. God really must help the priest at my wedding then!
ps - this colour is the most similar i could find to the colour of the bridesmaid dress that i was wearing
Staurday 6th August 2005, saw my second wedding in eight days. This wedding was that of my brother Peter, and his fiance Davina (Dav). We went up on the friday as its a long drive up to the small yorkshire dale village of Muker where Davina grew up, and where the marriage was going to take place in the local parish church. Peter wanted the marriage to be recognised by the Catholic church, and so had done all the necessities for that already. On the Friday they had the practice run...and then we had a whole fanily get together - it was so nice - my mums sisters, husbands and children all came up too, and we had an evening together.
On saturday morning Peter was so relaxed it was really good to see. We had our breakfast in a B&B, and then we went for a walk in the Dales, with Peter stopping every few minutes wth flahes of inspiration as to what to say in his speech. We had to cut the walk short, as my mum and I had to make our way to Davinas as I had to have my hair done, and so bridesmaid things, and my mum had to help sort out the cake that we had brought from London with us. When I arrived Davina was also very calm....seriously in the last 8 days I have not witnessed any of the wedding day jitters I hear so many people talk about. We gace Davina her presents - consisiting of champagne, chocolates, strawberries, cream, flip-flo[s, sarrong and pamper productsand then we had a champagne toast and the the hairdresser started on our hair. It was quite Pride and Prejudice styled - it was curled, and then pinned to the sides, and then had some flowers put into it - all us bridesmaids looked the same.
Now Muker only has about 30 houses in it, and Davina lives next door to the church, and so we were watching all the guests arrived, and then I got a glimpse of Peter walking into the church - and I wa proud to be called his sister - he look so good and smart. We then put on our dresses, and helped davina with hers - she looked truly stunning, and then had our photos.
The church service was just brought a tear to my eye. I could not believe that that was my brother getting married, I had this really strange feeling in my stomach. They had the tradiational 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 reading (at least I will have a happy memory for this reading now - I usually assosciate it with my babcias funeral, as that is what was read then), and they also had a traditional blessing read whoch made me teary a bit - as it was just beautiful. The vows were said, and that was it they were married.
Then there was the reception. This was done in the village hall just next door to the church. All the guests mingled outside (this is where Harriet, Alex and I played a role as bridesmaids in the mingling), while some photos were taken, and bubbly was handed out, then we had the line-up, and then the reception. Andrew (my oldest brother and Best-Man) did an amazing job in welcoming them in, and looking after them. After every course I did my mingling, making sure people were happy and ok and so forth...and everytime i went to a different table, people kept n offereing me a drink - at one point I had five drinks scattered around the room. the second time I mingled I made sure i had a drink in hand so that didnt happen anymore!
The speeches came next. Mr Hepworth did a very good speech, and I think my brother was happy with what was said. Then came Peters speech - i was so proud of him. peter is usually so shy, and i was so worried with how his speech woucome out, but it was great. Basically, he ran on the theme that people had said he had made a good choice with davina, but to him it was not a choice, but it was something that was just natural to the both of them, and that he never thought that he could be so in love with someone - seriosly made me blubber - and his speech finished with a toast to the bridesmaids (of which a lot of people had mentioned how they had heard a lot of singing coming from that side of the church...guess who that was?!) Andrews speech as Best Man was also soooooo good. It was just so Andrew and Peter, and mentioned family things like the Babcia test (the test that any partner of a grand-child has to go through) - and this really got me, as at this point we were reminded to think of her and my grandad as she was not able to make it to the wedding - this raelly got me, and I blubbered big time. A big toast to the happy couple was made, and more mingling ensued, but this time I was getting hugged due to the tears, by friends of Peter and Davina, and family.
We then had a barn-dance - now all who were at James and Ella's wedding will know how much i enjoyed myself there, so this week was no different, but dancing in my bridesmaid dress was much harder, the drapes at the back kept on getting caught, but it was great fun, and I kept on losing my shoes, as in the times when we had to make baskets, this week I was lifted from the floor, and then I had one very bouncy partner who insisted on twirling me around at the end of every dance - shoes flying in all directions - co-incidently - if i had money for every time I had, Zosia you look beautiful, or Zosia you look stunning, if only i didnt have a girlfriend - i would be one very rich lady.
After the barn dance was the disco - to which when the invites were sent out all guests were told to reply with two disco tunes to get ultinate dancibility! It was the bridesmaid jobs to get more then 5 people on the dance floor, which was fine, as we made up three of the five, and the ushers (Guy and Stef - Peters friends from school and uni) made up the other two. Now i had rashly made a bet with davinas friend Ed that I would beat him as what is known in the Dales as Bastard dancing, and so some amazing dance floor treats were seen. And i was level pegging with Ed, until Alex (davinas sister) and I found the steps to the stage, and I was all round victor. Peter and Davina left at 12, and on their way into the cab, Davina through her bouquet, and somehow - i really dont remember how - its all a blur and happened so quickly, it ended up in my hands! the disco continued without them, and Alex and I were on stage surrounded by the male freinds of Davina and peter when the full monty track played (oh we were very embarressed when reminded about this on sunday morning), and soon the end of the night came, and back to the B&B we went.
So i now have one married brother - it is very strange. Very strange. But he is so happy, and so is Davina, and that is just what is so important. I really pray that they stay this happy together, and that God is with them through the highs and the lows
And for me, 2 weddings attended, 2 bouquets caught - 1 major problem with the getting married part - the story of my life really isnt it.....
oh - and the vicar got my brothers name very wrong during the service - it was so funny even though "I have been practising it all week"...davina didnt mind, as she said that it made her attempt sound better. God really must help the priest at my wedding then!
ps - this colour is the most similar i could find to the colour of the bridesmaid dress that i was wearing
Thursday, August 04, 2005
The Wedding of the Preeces
Well the weekend just gone saw my first wedding of the 8 days, and this was the wedding of James and Ella, two very good friends of mine. I went up to Hull last thursday as I was going to Ellas Hen-night - a very nice meal in a reastaurant followed by a drink in the pub, and when arriving back to halls, I joined the stag night on their return.
Saturday was the wedding. We were all up for breahfast and then went to sit on the landing for a long time - James was very very calm. It took me quite a while to get readyhair and make-up taking the longest, and then we went to the church - James was there an hour and a half early. Norris and I did a bit of clothing swapping - He had my hat, scarf and shoes, i had his tie and jacket and shoes - oh it was a stunning display. The service itself was a lovely affair...Fr Pat is an interesting character, cracking jokes left right and centre, but it was a lovely service - good choice of readings and hymns! The reception was lovely too...the meal was gorgeous, and I had great company on my table - we laughed a LOT! James and Ella cut the cake, and then there were the speeches. Ella's dad did a great speech, James didnt have one prepared but it was still good, and Marks speech was very funny...and the Polish brigade did STOLAT it which was great. The barn dance (well it was a caleigh - spelt as its said not as it should be spelt), was amazing! all but one dance danced by the zosh, and the Exeter boys are surprisingly good on their feet! well done Ben, Norris, Mark and Dan on your dancing (Dan i thought your Polka was particularly good)...and well then it was the bouquet - no-one caught it exactly as Ella threw it with sime gusto that it landed behind us on the floor - but i charged and reached it, and very guiltily swept it from under the nose of a five year old..feeling very guilty I went back to offer it to her, but she said in a Northern accent (having the Northern accent in the back of your mind is important for this) "No, its ok, I dont want to get married anyway"....well I do, so I kept it!
Sunday, we went to Church, and then the few that were staying went to james and Ella's house, and while they were at a meal, we stocked up their fridge with food, and made a fort in their front room with cushions and throws.
Monday we went to Whitbty, and Tuesday I came home
Thank you both for a lovely 5 days...and Good Luck for the future
The Lesotho Debrief
Yesterday was a trip to the Tearfund office in Teddington to be debriefed about my time in Africa...two of the team members Greg and Hannah didnt turn up. Now it was lovely seeing the team again, it really was, and i cant really comment much on what was said as it is confidential, but it brought up a lot of issues that I did not want to talk about but i was forced into talking about it, and it is still very upsetting for me...i hadnt really thought about it that much, as i hadnt had much time to, but when i was being asled all these detailed questions it juts took me back in time to when i was feeling my crappest, and being told thatI was useless and a failure, that I was a crap team-leader, that I was crap at my responsibilites, and had all my confidnec swipped out of me. It just made me feel like if I was better at what i was doing, or if I had acted differently. or if I had been - oh i just dont know anymore, then we would not have had all the problems in the team that we did, and Greg would not have been sent home. It just makes me feel like a failure really. When I was talking I just didnt know what to say, and i was going over and over things in my mind again, and its not heakthy at all. I was just so fed up of constantly having to apologise for bad behaviour that wasnt mine behaviour, and so sick of hearing complaints about a team member that wasnt me, and being told that I had to try an control him, when he was just completely undermining me. I just didnt know what to do, and I did the best thing that I thought that I coulkd at the time, but blatently, it wasnt the best thig...and i am just well useless. So that was so hard yesterday, and to be honest I still cant get it fully out of my mind I really cant. Its driving me a bit crazy, just going over what could have beens, and what should have beens...and just continually re-analysing it. So i reckon what was probably supposed to be something to make you feel better about the trip, ahd just made me feel quite crap again, and I hate feeling like this
The Next Wedding
Well tomorrow we head to the Yorkshire Dales for a town called Muker (pronounced Mewker) for the wedding of my Brother Peter, and his Fiance Davina. It is so strange that my brother is getting married - very strange, but lovely all the same. Unfortunately my babcia isnt going, as she is a bit poorly and has to look after my dziadzio (paryers for both of them are always welcome), and my brother is doing lots of last minute things - men! My bridesmaid dress is ready - i havnt seen the finished article yet, and my outfit for James and Ellas wedding is going to be worn by my cousin who found it hard to find an outfit for this wedding (well it took me ages to find mine - so i happily lent it to her). So can we pray for Peter and Dav this weekend that the wedding goes well, and that they have a lovely future together....
Well the weekend just gone saw my first wedding of the 8 days, and this was the wedding of James and Ella, two very good friends of mine. I went up to Hull last thursday as I was going to Ellas Hen-night - a very nice meal in a reastaurant followed by a drink in the pub, and when arriving back to halls, I joined the stag night on their return.
Saturday was the wedding. We were all up for breahfast and then went to sit on the landing for a long time - James was very very calm. It took me quite a while to get readyhair and make-up taking the longest, and then we went to the church - James was there an hour and a half early. Norris and I did a bit of clothing swapping - He had my hat, scarf and shoes, i had his tie and jacket and shoes - oh it was a stunning display. The service itself was a lovely affair...Fr Pat is an interesting character, cracking jokes left right and centre, but it was a lovely service - good choice of readings and hymns! The reception was lovely too...the meal was gorgeous, and I had great company on my table - we laughed a LOT! James and Ella cut the cake, and then there were the speeches. Ella's dad did a great speech, James didnt have one prepared but it was still good, and Marks speech was very funny...and the Polish brigade did STOLAT it which was great. The barn dance (well it was a caleigh - spelt as its said not as it should be spelt), was amazing! all but one dance danced by the zosh, and the Exeter boys are surprisingly good on their feet! well done Ben, Norris, Mark and Dan on your dancing (Dan i thought your Polka was particularly good)...and well then it was the bouquet - no-one caught it exactly as Ella threw it with sime gusto that it landed behind us on the floor - but i charged and reached it, and very guiltily swept it from under the nose of a five year old..feeling very guilty I went back to offer it to her, but she said in a Northern accent (having the Northern accent in the back of your mind is important for this) "No, its ok, I dont want to get married anyway"....well I do, so I kept it!
Sunday, we went to Church, and then the few that were staying went to james and Ella's house, and while they were at a meal, we stocked up their fridge with food, and made a fort in their front room with cushions and throws.
Monday we went to Whitbty, and Tuesday I came home
Thank you both for a lovely 5 days...and Good Luck for the future
The Lesotho Debrief
Yesterday was a trip to the Tearfund office in Teddington to be debriefed about my time in Africa...two of the team members Greg and Hannah didnt turn up. Now it was lovely seeing the team again, it really was, and i cant really comment much on what was said as it is confidential, but it brought up a lot of issues that I did not want to talk about but i was forced into talking about it, and it is still very upsetting for me...i hadnt really thought about it that much, as i hadnt had much time to, but when i was being asled all these detailed questions it juts took me back in time to when i was feeling my crappest, and being told thatI was useless and a failure, that I was a crap team-leader, that I was crap at my responsibilites, and had all my confidnec swipped out of me. It just made me feel like if I was better at what i was doing, or if I had acted differently. or if I had been - oh i just dont know anymore, then we would not have had all the problems in the team that we did, and Greg would not have been sent home. It just makes me feel like a failure really. When I was talking I just didnt know what to say, and i was going over and over things in my mind again, and its not heakthy at all. I was just so fed up of constantly having to apologise for bad behaviour that wasnt mine behaviour, and so sick of hearing complaints about a team member that wasnt me, and being told that I had to try an control him, when he was just completely undermining me. I just didnt know what to do, and I did the best thing that I thought that I coulkd at the time, but blatently, it wasnt the best thig...and i am just well useless. So that was so hard yesterday, and to be honest I still cant get it fully out of my mind I really cant. Its driving me a bit crazy, just going over what could have beens, and what should have beens...and just continually re-analysing it. So i reckon what was probably supposed to be something to make you feel better about the trip, ahd just made me feel quite crap again, and I hate feeling like this
The Next Wedding
Well tomorrow we head to the Yorkshire Dales for a town called Muker (pronounced Mewker) for the wedding of my Brother Peter, and his Fiance Davina. It is so strange that my brother is getting married - very strange, but lovely all the same. Unfortunately my babcia isnt going, as she is a bit poorly and has to look after my dziadzio (paryers for both of them are always welcome), and my brother is doing lots of last minute things - men! My bridesmaid dress is ready - i havnt seen the finished article yet, and my outfit for James and Ellas wedding is going to be worn by my cousin who found it hard to find an outfit for this wedding (well it took me ages to find mine - so i happily lent it to her). So can we pray for Peter and Dav this weekend that the wedding goes well, and that they have a lovely future together....
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